Theory Lecture Content

Brief on use of tools and of the potential for injury during the process, we can discuss and expand on what safety parameters we must have. Items such as hot knives, sharp blades, seam rippers, sewing machines can all pose the potential for injury. 

Sewing Machine Adjustment, Maintenance, and Tuning 
Sewing Machine Basics: a section on the operation of the machine and what can go wrong and how to fix it is a good idea before the student actually gets behind the machine. 

Basic Sewing Techniques 
Three or four projects will be assigned to each student, such as: 
• Basic patch 
• Slider kill line channel replacement 
• Grommet hole repair 
• Main riser toggle keeper replacement 
• BOC replacement 
• Stitch patterns and intro to harness repair 

Material Identification 
Be able to identify common webbing, materials and hardware. 

The purpose of the 180 repack cycle is inspection. Developing a methodology; use of checklists; common wear points. 

Grommet Setting, Removal, and Repair 
Grommet Setting: basic removal and replacement and removal and replacement of stiffeners. 

Structural & Functional Compatibility 
Determining compatibility between approved components, understanding FAA Advisory Circular 105-2c, the importance of bag extraction forces vs. effective pilotchute size and drag, understanding the TSO and placarding of major components. 

Learn basic knots used in parachute rigging: Larks head, Bowline, Surgeons, Clove Hitch, Half Hitch, etc. 

Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 65 governing parachute riggers and Part 105 governing parachute jumping; you’ll see questions pertaining to this on the written exam and the oral exam.